AVM Consulting Services Oveview


AVM Consulting offers a distinctive approach to brand building: we focus on business development as well as communication and we integrate advisory resources, multi-layered storytelling strategies, and coaching tools, to be the innovative and impactful partner that our clients seek.

Everything we do is designed to drive purposeful change and empower purpose-led businesses and creative professionals to thrive. 

Below, we detail our three core services: Consulting, Coaching, and Storytelling.

Consulting: the AVM Approach

AVM Consulting provides a unique methodology for business development and communication. Our approach combines strategic advisory, creative business development, and storytelling to connect brands with their audiences. We aim to see our clients thrive by empowering them to tell better, more resonant stories grounded in their history and aligned with their mission and vision.

Our Network

We leverage a global network of trusted agencies, freelancers, and consultants. This network includes specialists in art direction, performance marketing, e-commerce, logistics, public relations, influencer marketing, social media strategy, production, events, customer experience and insights, copywriting, and more. Collaboration with our network ensures that we deliver against the scope of work designed to meet your objectives.

Underpinning these services is a commitment to thoughtful strategy, nurturing our clients' authentic voice and alignment to values.

Services Offered

- Integrated Business Development:

  - Brand strategy and positioning

  - Business objectives

  - Values, mission, purpose, and vision workshops

  - Agency assignment and scope definition

  - Wholesale and retail strategy

- Conscious Communication:

  - Comprehensive communications strategy

  - Multi-media content strategy

  - Event conceptualising

  - Agency and freelance consultant assignment

  - Special project management

  - Thought leadership strategy

  - Email newsletter strategy

- Coaching:

  - Communications coaching 

  - Executive coaching

  - Workshop facilitation

Coaching with AVM Consulting and Anne Mühlethaler

Why coaching?

Coaching with AVM Consulting takes you beyond the business of the day-to-day and into a space of self-reflection, helping you move towards your goals with greater ease. The immediate benefits of coaching include enhanced self-awareness, goal clarity, improved performance, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being.

Who is coaching for?

Coaching is for anyone seeking to overcome challenges such as work-life imbalance, career advancement, enhancing communication skills, leadership development, boundary setting, or finding purpose. It is also beneficial for those needing an accountability partner to achieve their goals.

What to expect in a coaching session?

- Deep listening and powerful questions

- A mindful, non-judgmental approach

- Clear objectives and success measurement

- Accessing clarity

- Grounding and focus

- Actionable next steps tailored to your needs

- Personalised resources

- Mindful communication tools

- Session notes and recordings upon request


The power of stories

"Stories are a communal currency of humanity." AVM Consulting understands the power of storytelling and uses it to build connections and drive business success. Our founder, Anne Mühlethaler, overcame her own limiting belief about being bad at storytelling to build a career centred on this very skill.

From the shop floor to the top

Anne's journey began as a Saturday girl in the Knightsbridge boutique of then little known Christian Louboutin. From there, she moved into PR, wholesale, general management, before heading global communications for the now globally renowned shoe brand. She became an expert at picking and sharing stories that resonated, helping build the brand's global audience. 

Developing the craft

Anne's passion for storytelling led her to further her skills through extensive learning and practice. She launched AVM Consulting to help others tell their stories more effectively, using a framework that blends PR, coaching tools, self-reflection, and storytelling skills.

Our approach

- Intention and Ideation: Understand the purpose and goals behind your story.

- Content and Structure: Develop engaging and coherent narratives.

- Modes of Delivery and Communication: Tailor the presentation of your story to resonate with your audience.

The Story of You framework

This methodology is designed to help individual coaching clients reclaim or reframe their narratives, whether for personal or professional purposes. It addresses intention, ideation, content, structure, and delivery to create impactful stories.

Services Offered

- Foundational brand building:

  - Crafting compelling personal brand narratives

  - Developing strategic communication plans

- Personal storytelling:

  - Coaching clients to communicate their value and mission

  - Supporting job searches, portfolio development, and interview preparation

- Thought leadership:

  - Helping clients establish themselves as thought leaders in their field

  - Preparing clients for media appearances and public speaking

Corporate coaching services

Transformative coaching for corporate success

At AVM Consulting, we understand that the success of any company is deeply tied to the development and well-being of its leaders and employees. With burnout being ripe in all industries, stress levels skyrocketing, we choose to offer corporate coaching services because we wish to be an impactful partner that will help you foster a culture of continuous improvement, resilience, and mindful growth. 

We provide executive coaching, communication coaching and team workshops to support your company achieve its business objectives while nurturing a supportive and innovative work environment.

Customised Programs

All of our corporate coaching programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organisation. We work closely with your leadership team to identify key areas for development and design bespoke coaching interventions that align with your corporate goals. 

Whether it's enhancing leadership and communication skills, improving team dynamics, or supporting employees through change management, our coaches bring a wealth of experience and a mindful approach to drive meaningful and sustainable transformation.

What AVM can do for your executives and teams

- Identify core challenges: Understand and address the fundamental issues hindering performance and growth.

- Explore and align values: Ensure that personal and organisational values are in harmony.

- Set clear mission and vision statements: Develop concise and inspiring mission and vision statements to guide your organisation.

- Build or rebuild trust: Foster a culture of trust and integrity within teams.

- Unblock communication barriers: Enhance communication for more effective collaboration.

- Embolden objective setting: Empower your team to set and achieve ambitious goals.

- Foster deeper collaboration: Promote a collaborative environment that leverages the strengths of all team members.

- Redefine success metrics: Establish new, meaningful metrics for success that align with your organisation's values and learn to celebrate these successes.

Coaching Benefits

Regular coaching sessions are known to enhance interpersonal skills and conflict resolution, improving relationships both professionally and personally. 

As a seasoned coaching and advisory practice, we focus on offering a holistic approach to support executives and teams in getting into their flow and defying expectations by tapping into their intrinsic motivation, aligning them toward a common goal, and collaborating and communicating effectively.

Services Include

- Team Leadership: Empower leaders to inspire and guide their teams effectively.

- Stakeholder Management: Improve interactions and relationships with key stakeholders.

- Strategic and Conscious Communication coaching: Develop and implement effective communication strategies.

- Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

The Format

Our coaching services are flexible and can be conducted remotely or face-to-face, depending on your needs.

- Where: Zoom, phone, or in person in Geneva, Switzerland.

- For Whom: CEOs, managers, talents – those aiming for professional growth and leadership development.

Ready to Elevate Your Leadership and Team Performance?

Let AVM Consulting help steer your executives and teams towards greater success and fulfilment. Contact us today to learn more about our corporate coaching services and how we can support your organisation's growth and development.

AVM Consulting offers a holistic approach to business development, communication, and personal growth. Our services are designed to help clients tell better stories, achieve their goals, and thrive in their endeavours. Whether you need consulting, coaching, or storytelling support, AVM Consulting provides the expertise and resources to drive purposeful change. Explore our services to discover how we can help you connect your mission, align your values, and embrace innovation to better serve your clients and audience.
