You are invited to discover true love, between you and you, this Valentine’s day

You are invited to discover true love, between you and you, this Valentine’s day

Dear you!

I’m delighted to be announcing an introductory workshop of Mettā meditation, also known in English as Loving Kindness (in French, ‘l’amour bienveillant’), which will take place this Valentine’s Day, Friday 14th February from 6pm to 7.30pm. 

You may be wondering, ‘Anne, why would you do that on a Friday, and on Valentine’s Day of all days of the year?’ 

Well, there’s a story behind this choice, as you may imagine.

My friend Yasmine is one of my favourite people in the world, and has been a very soothing and supportive presence in my life, particularly around the time my mother passed away. She moved to Egypt before I came back to live in Geneva, and then a few years ago she and her daughter relocated to Paris. In all that time, over seven years, we haven’t spent any time together. We are not ‘phone friends’ and probably never will be. Yet our friendship is enduring. We finally caught up a couple of weeks ago, over a wonderful Greek lunch at the Grand Cafe d’Athenes when I was in Paris. There was so much we had to say to each other, because we both had made so many changes in our lives. 

As I relayed my projects — from becoming a Loving Kindness and mindfulness teacher and a coach to writing a book — she asked: ’So you really meditate every day?’ 

I blushed. ‘Yes.’ My right palm moved to my chest, covering my heart centre, as the oddest thing came out of my mouth: ‘It’s a love story between me and me,’ I told her. 

What a singular way to explain my connection to my meditation practice. This statement did offer something unusual — even to me. In saying so, I unveiled a truth that underlines both the commitment to sitting with myself and one of the many benefits that arises as I do so. 

That brings me back to why I’m hosting this workshop on this amorous holiday. On February 14th, love takes centre stage in many of our lives. Why not make a commitment to self-discovery, self-love, as much as other forms of interpersonal caring, romantic and otherwise? 

I encourage you to come with a friend or a family member as a gift to yourself and to them. The workshop will conclude in time for you to meet your other half for dinner, in case you have plans for Valentine’s evening.

Doors open at 5.45pm for 6pm start 
- 90min talk, practice and Q&A. 
- Grounding practice and breath work included


- Maximum 16 participants 
- Refreshments and light snacks will be offered 
- Cost: CHF25 

How to prepare:

There will be sofas and chairs for sitting, though participants may elect to sit on the floor or wherever they are most comfortable.

Optionally, bring a notebook for recording any thoughts or feelings that emerge with the practice.

While the workshop will be in English, Anne can translate the terms if anything is unclear for French speakers.

About Mettā, or Loving Kindness:

This ancient practice was offered to monks by the Buddha and described as an antidote to fear. Like mindfulness, it is a concentration practice that offers centering and grounding, however unlike Vipassana and other Buddhist offerings, Mettā invites us to practice not just on ourselves and our experience, but also to direct our attention to other beings. 

The classical order of practice starts with self, before moving to a benefactor (someone who has supported you in your life), a loved one, a neutral person (someone who you have no strong positive or negative feelings about), a challenging person, then moving to a group and finishing with all beings everywhere. 

For each, we repeat universal phrases or mantras (well wishes) like:

May I/you be safe

May I/you be happy 

May I/you feel peaceful 

May I/you live with ease

In repeating the words while concentrating on the recipient, Mettā harnesses our true super power — our attention — and combines it with the intention contained within the words. These phrases have been called ‘psycho-active’ by psychologist and scientific journalist Daniel Goleman, meaning that even after practice, their effect continues to percolate at the back of our heart-minds. 

Increases positive emotions and decreases negative emotions

Increases, which increases positive emotions and feelings of social connection

A study by Kok et al (2013) found that individuals in a Loving-Kindness Meditation intervention, compared to a control group, had increases in positive emotions, an effect moderated by baseline vagal tone — a physiological marker of well-being

We don’t usually think of meditation as being able to help us with severe physical or mental ailments, but research shows it can help, including with decreasing chronic pain and PTSD symptoms 

It is known to improve Emotional Intelligence by activating empathy and emotional processing in the brain

It increases our sense of social connection by making us a more helpful person, increasing empathy and compassion and decreasing our bias toward others

Finally, when it comes to self-love, Mettā is known to curb self-criticism, aka that mean inner voice. ‘A study by Shahar et al (2014) found that Loving-Kindness Meditation was effective for self-critical individuals in reducing self-criticism and depressive symptoms, and improving self-compassion and positive emotions. These changes were maintained three months post-intervention.’

BUT perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFIT of Mettā is that it is effective in immediate and small doses and has long-lasting, enduring effects. One study found that a single session of Mettā increases feelings of social connection and positivity toward others. And another found that ‘35% of participants of one Metta session continued to meditate and experience positive emotions 15 months after the session.’ 

This introductory workshop is perfectly suited for meditation beginners and appropriate for teenagers and adults alike. Drop me a line if you have any questions. 

Don’t wait, become a Mettā practitioner. Click below to book your spot for this introduction atelier to Loving Kindness — spaces are limited. 

Can't join the in-person workshop? I'd love to have you join me virtually for a special one-hour Loving Kindness session on Insight Timer. We'll gather on Sunday, February 16th at 5pm CET to explore the transformative practice of Mettā together. Whether you're new to the practice or a regular meditator, everyone is welcome. Details available here.
