Navigating Through Change

Caught in the quicksands of change? Feel like you can’t get to the right place and you need orienting as much as grounding in order to make sense of where you will go next? Then this quarterly program is a great starting point. Composed of fortnightly sessions, values and vision exercises, as well as journaling prompts and relevant resources.


Deep listening & powerful questions
A mindful, non-judgmental approach 
Clear objectives and success measurement 
Accessing clarity 
Grounding and focus
Actionable next steps 
All tailored to your needs 
Personalised resources
Mindful communication tools
Session notes & recordings upon request

Price: CHF 1050


'Thanks a lot for that golden hour. Vulnerability is a virtue.'

Coaching client

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Schedule your free exploratory session 
