Andrew Barry on Transformational Online Courses

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Tell me, are you like me and have you taken an online course recently? Was it good? bad? or maybe transformational?

If the last word sounds intriguing, let me ask you this: have you ever heard the words ‘transformational online courses'?

Well, look no further, my latest guest on the podcast is going to answer that for you (or rather, for us!). Andrew Barry is an online teacher extraordinaire, even known as 'the course guy'. I was lucky to meet him earlier this year when he lead a cohort of 150 of us in an intense learning program called ODCC, aka On Deck Course Creators.

Andrew has been formulating meaningful training for companies via his own, Curious Lion, and he has perfected the online teaching process after going through a few transformations of his own. We talk about curiosity, discovery, joy, and the importance of finding meaning in the learning process to engage students. Andrew offers a lot of thoughtful reflection on learning in general, which I believe everyone who listens will benefit from. Enjoy!
