Fashion trends and the forever wardrobe

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I remember the days when I used to run to H&M for something new. Anything, really. I’ve had some seriously bad outfits over the years, particularly as I discovered, along with the rest of the world, the (sometimes silly) options afforded to us by fast fashion. This wasn’t a lasting love affair. I became pretty disgruntled with the way most of my favourite clothes would fall apart, with the occasional exception of course (I’m talking about you, a-line green leather skirt), when I could exclaim to someone paying me a compliment: “This? Oh, I’ve had it for ages, and it’s from …”

These days, I’m pretty posh in my shopping choices, and with a sensitive skin (I can’t bare anything itchy) natural fabrics are my go-to and I’m aware of the privilege.
So this article by Jess Cartner-Morley at the Guardian felt like an important one to read, for several reasons. She explains that the whole “new look” for spring is the “forever wardrobe”. But it doesn’t come at all price-points and as she points out rightfully, “we cannot shop our way to sustainability, but neither can we make an industry that employs one in eight of the world’s workforce disappear overnight.”
