Out of the Clouds - teacher Rajesh Ramani on Emotional Resilience

- 200801

Rajesh Ramani is a spiritual teacher, meditation and life enhancement coach based in Thailand, at the Kamalaya Wellness Centre in Koh Samui. I was fortunate to meet Rajesh after a seemingly random suggestion by a friend, days before visiting Samui for the first time. I feel privileged not just to have worked with him one on one, but also to have participated more recently in his new workshop, under the umbrella of the Self-Leadership Days.

On this episode of Out of the Clouds, the podcast, Rajesh and I talk about his journey from banker to monk to mentor, his work at Kamalaya, how to deal with grief in times of pandemic and the importance of self-awareness and developing emotional resilience; all that with the noise of the Samui birds in the background for added colour. Enjoy
