Radical self-care

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I do a great job of dodging newsletters. I subscribe, then every morning, I enjoy a session of swiping left on my iPhone before I get a nice and clean inbox. Occasionally, an email slips through, and I read it. That’s how I got to this excellent article about sustainable self-care. Sure, we’ve been talking about this throughout the last fews months, but the writer argues most of us miss the point: it’s not a quick fix, it’s not self-indulgence. It can also feel annoying because, like other important things like social justice and our own inner journey, ‘Authentic self-care isn’t a quick fix and wellness doesn’t happen overnight.’ Developing a healthy lifestyle can suck, as does self-discipline. It feels good to acknowledge, as does the fact we sometimes need a community to support us as we tackle this essential task. A great read, adapted from the book ‘Sit down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World’ by Shelly Tygielski.
