Thought work

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Part of coaching training (and I assume therapy) is ‘thought work’. Examining the veracity, the charge of our thoughts, and working things like cognitive defusion, aka taking a step back from believing the stickier things in our minds that may stop us from growth, happiness, etc.

The master of thought work is one Byron Katie. Discover her interview with Oprah, who ends up exploring her own sticky thoughts on friends and family wanting to borrow money. Fascinating. Listen here.

Meanwhile, Psyche explores another angle to how we could help ourselves in this interesting piece: How to take things less personally and avoid mind-reading. A healthy introspective exercise. Read here.

Last year, I had the chance to attend TEDxZurich and watch this talk by artist Hakan Libdo. Questioning not just our thoughts but how little structures have changed since thousands of years ago, the artist affirms:
“We can do better, re-imagine everything.”
Highly enjoyable; watch here.

Finally, the New York Times’ Well section offers us some thoughts on how to offer constructive criticism. And guess what they suggest: don’t offer any feedback when emotionally charged. It’s really all about finding that gap… read here.
