True luxury is human connection

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I offer you another opinion piece, this time written by Daniel Langer, the executive professor of luxury strategy and pricing at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California and CEO of the brand strategy firm ‘Equité’. After several disappointing experiences, with luxury service brands and retailers alike, the esteemed professor establishes the essential foundation currently missing from so many luxury brands: human connection. Product has been the focus of everyone’s attention, for good reason: in luxury, the quality and provenance of the product should be a given. But meanwhile, there is a general lack of intention when it comes to looking after customers. And connection is a key factor. Whether you are a luxury consumer or not, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s high-quality interactions that keep you coming back to your favourite restaurant, airline, or retailer. It’s not just the product: this gentleman makes a good point. Read more here.
