241209 The power of connection
Ever felt tongue-tied or invisible at an event? You’re not alone. In this essay, I explore the surprising link between genuine connection and our ability to share our authentic selves.
Where we explore the art of communicating your true value to the world using storytelling as your most effective tool.
Ever felt tongue-tied or invisible at an event? You’re not alone. In this essay, I explore the surprising link between genuine connection and our ability to share our authentic selves.
This month, I’m celebrating the anniversary of the first of my ‘salon series,’ a new kind of gathering - for me at least. The event unfolded beyond my expectations. As I take stock of what worked, and what I could do better, I thought it would be useful to examine the elements that may have led to the success. After all, if I want to replicate this, or take it beyond the walls of my home, it’s better if I’m clear on the recipe, no?
I have an issue with job titles. They just don’t describe the myriad things people actually do. If you’ve ever struggled to relate to a job title or feel that your role is not reflected in the words that follow your name, then join me in one of my recent long-reads as I share why it’s important to own your skills and be clear about your place in the world.
Let's break down the barriers of job titles and explore the real value we bring to the table. Let’s be authentic and make our capabilities easily accessible to the right audience. Let’s redefine the narrative and make magic happen.
Once upon a time, I thought storytelling was my kryptonite. But life, as it often does, had other plans. My latest post explores how I built my career on the very thing I thought I was bad at: starting out in retail as an enthusiastic yet introverted shop assistant to finding my groove breaking silos, telling stories, building brands. Because, guess what? Stories bond us together. And they help build brand worlds. People don't just buy products, they buy the "why" behind them. Now, I empower others to tell their stories, whether it's brands finding their authentic voice or individuals needing to reframe or reclaim their own story. Read more on Substack.
In my latest exploration, I dive into the art of communicating your true value to the world using storytelling as a currency. Sharing what we stand for becomes a much more meaningful way to connect with people, moving the conversation beyond what we do to who we are.
I must add that this work didn’t just ‘happen’ but it was the fruit of my labour, as well as conversations with brilliant souls, friends, teachers, and clients.
I’m so grateful for all of you who’ve trusted me, whether as their business and communications consultant, or coach, whether you are a client or a mentee. Every time I work with you, I become a better person. I am grateful for your trust and I hope this ‘story’ serves you too.