Dr Nadine Kelly on yoga, creativity and serving wise women

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It’s a delight to make new friends via the wonderful medium that is a podcast. Reflecting on it with a few others the other day, I was remembering that there is something intimate about hearing conversations, directly in your ears (or ear buds).

Nadine Kelly, of Yogi MD - aka my new friend - is a fellow Akimbo alumni. That's how we met, during the Podcasting Fellowship which I took in early 2020. Nadine's path is fascinating if anything: she left medicine as a pathologist in her early 40's to become a yoga teacher, life coach, and since 2018, a podcaster. Her love of of the medium is matched by her love of music: she is a keen drummer. So we chat about her journey, mental health and yoga, as well as coaching and limiting beliefs. This conversation left me feeling bright. I hope you will feel the same.
